Viola Moses
1 min readMar 31, 2021

Father Knows Best!

Christian life is delightful when we obey, and difficult otherwise. The commandments of Christ are not unreasonable or impossible. When we start praying for those who contradict us or conspire against us, the love of God overwhelms us so we can love them with the same love.

The Lord purposely puts us with difficult persons. It is a part of our discipline. Prayer prevents bitterness to enter our hearts, and uproots if there’s any against the person who has hurt us and for whom we are praying.

Prayer is not for parading. The secret of prayer is praying in secret. Unless we run to a place of solitude, we will miss the whisper of the Spirit amidst all the bustle.

Prayer is not to tell God what He knows not. It is to verbalize our feelings to a Father as a child. Simple prayers are sublime. Remember the publican who simply cried, “God, be merciful to me a sinner! .’’

A Father knows the child’s needs; but He is delighted when the child asks Him. That enlivens the relationship between a father and a child. Your Father knows the things you have need of, before ask Him. Our Daddy knows!